Pickets of civil solidarity with the inhabitants of Blagoveshensks
February 22 in Voronezh the action of civil solidarity with the inhabitants of Blagoveshensks (Bashkiria), becoming victims of militia cruelty, was held.
On a picket to «Proletarian» there was one person with the placard « Beaten Blagoveshensk — shame for Russia ».
The alone participant of a picket Andrew Cheremnih has said: « the Notice on realization of a picket was mailed, the municipal administration has received it for day before realization of a picket and has asked the organizers to transfer the action for other day. Because in the same day, the actions of solidarity drove in other cities, we could not execute the request of administration, and not to break a law, have held it in such form. For us it was very important to uphold victims and to tell about happened to the inhabitants of Voronezh, as this event has not received broad publicity.
During a picket the active members of The Youth Group of Human Rights Protection (Tel/fax: +7 (0732) 54 55 30) have held interrogation about knowledge of the inhabitants of Voronezh about happened in Blagoveshensk. Was found out, that from all interrogated only 20 % know about this tragedy. During interrogation also was found out, that 70 % interrogated run foul of a brutal treatment in militia or personally, or with such usage their relatives or friends have faced. All interrogated positively have related idea of creation in Russia of a charge-free hot line for the citizens who have encountered with a brutal treatment in militia, however to put the signature under the adress to the commissioner on human rights V.P. Lukin and minister of internal affairs R.G. Nuralgiev about creation of such line few have agreed.
In the same day, there was an action of solidarity near the Russian embassy in Kiev (consular department), the participants wanted to transmit the letter to the Russian president, however letter by the workers of embassy was not accepted. In total, there were 9 participants of the picket. The participants of a picket held in their hands the placards: « I can not be silent! », « Lawfulness and justice should triumph! », « Putin! Have bravery and decency to punish the criminals! ». The action was organized under the initiative of the people, which are not members of any party or public organizations. Nevertheless, basic role in a picket the organization « Youth — hope of Ukraine », under a management of Vadym Gladchuk, has played (Tel.: +38 (044) 240 94 15).
The next actions will pass off in 15th of March, 2005. It is supposed, that the actions will be in other cities of Russia too.
The initiative group
28th of February
![Кількість переглядів Кількість переглядів](https://sprotiv.org/wp-content/themes/sprotiv/images/i_views.png)
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