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Харківська прокуратура порушує кримінальну справу проти авторів звернення до президента США Барака Обами. Документи. English

politrepresii1Проти керівників українських громадських організацій, які написали листа Президентові США Бараку Обамі щодо незаконного виселення Харківською міськрадою культурно-освітнього центру Харківського міського товариства «Спадщина», прокуратура Харківської області порушує кримінальну справу.

Підписантам звернення до Президента США буде інкримінована стаття за 1 розділом Кримінального Кодексу України – «Злочини проти основ національної безпеки України». Очевидно, керуючись новою зовнішньополітичною доктриною України Президента України Віктора Януковича, політичною кон’юнктурою й задля упокорення опозиційних громадських активістів Прокуратура Харківської області задумала широкоформатний процес за історичним прикладом «Процесу СВУ-СУМ», який у 1929—1930-х роках легалізував тотальні репресії над українською інтелігенцією.

До списку сучасних «ворогів народу» зараховані відомі харківські діячі української культури, науковці, митці, кобзарі, які підписали Звернення до Президента США Барака Обами (текст звернення аглійською нижче).

До політичного процесу над підписантами листа до Президента США залучене Управління Служби безпеки України в Харківській області, якому надані повноваження з’ясувати ступінь небезпеки новітніх «ворогів народу» для державного суверенітету України. Як стає зрозумілим з тексту запиту керівництва УСБУ в Харківській обл. до одного з ініціаторів звернення до Барака Обами, форма, стиль і мета «розкрути» обвинуваченого дуже нагадують методи діяльності НКВС СРСР 20-30-х років ХХ ст.



Kharkiv prosecutors violate a criminal case against the authors appeal to President USA Obama. Documents

Against the leaders of Ukrainian NGOs wrote a letter to President Barack Obama of illegal eviction of Kharkiv City Council and Cultural Center Kharkov City Society «Heritage», Kharkiv region prosecutor violates a criminal case. 

Signers appeal to the U.S. President will inkryminovana article for a section of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — «Crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine». Obviously, following the new foreign policy doctrine of Ukraine President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, political conditions and for broadening public opposition activists Prosecutors Kharkiv region initiated the process for large historical example «Process SVU-SUM», which in 1929—1930's of legalized repression over total Ukrainian intelligentsia.

The list of modern «enemies of the people» credited known Kharkiv Ukrainian culture figures, scientists, artists, kobzars, who signed a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama (ahliyskoyu text addresses below).

The political process over the signatories of the letter to the President of the United States involved the Office of Security Service of Ukraine in Kharkov region, which granted authority to find out the gravity of modern «enemies of the people» for Ukraine's state sovereignty. As is clear from the text query SBU leadership in the Kharkiv region. One of the initiators of the appeal to Barack Obama, shape, style and purpose «Raskruti» remind the accused of the NKVD methods 20-30-years of the twentieth century.


Вадим Гладчук (Vadym Gladchuk) Sprotiv.org


Текст листа Бараку Обамі (letter to U.S. President Barack Obama):

To the President of the United States of America

Mr Barack Obama

Dear Mr President!

Your personal impact in the world peace settlement, harmonizing relations between different nations and preventing of interethnic conflicts is highly valued in Ukraine, and particularly in Kharkiv oblast. Due to your peace-making mission we ask you to help the progressive Kharkiv community to prevent a full-scale interethnic conflict which is impending in the city owing to the provocative actions of some Kharkiv City Council xenophobic officials. Under the conditions of the social and economic crisis as well as the preparation of the city to host the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship, the conflict may result in fatal consequences in the region.

The fact is that Kharkiv is a multiethnic Ukrainian city, where representatives of different races and nations have lived peacefully throughout the history. Since the proclamation of the Independence of Ukraine in 1991 all the city leaders, considering this, have tried to meet cultural requirements of ethnic communities that live in Kharkiv. Owing to liberal and wise policy, in spite of political and economical changes, over the recent history, there have been no interethnic conflicts in the city, and all the hypothetical political, religious and interethnic conflicts have been terminated before they were to start. Unprecedented social turmoil has been lasting since 2005, when mayor Mykhaylo Dobkin and his successor Hennadiy Kernes took office. An open chauvinistic official rhetoric of the city leaders and unmotivated decisions of the Kharkiv City Council, under conditions of overcoming of the economic crisis effects, started to facilitate a rapid split in the multiethnic Kharkiv community, an escalation of the social tension and polarization of the society in the region.

Having chosen the course of supporting chiefly Russian speaking community, the present city government has started a consistent campaign of the oppression and marginalization of the Ukrainian speaking community in Kharkiv. An aggressive and intolerant strategy towards the Ukrainian part of the citizens has resulted into intensification of the destructive elements and appearance of different extremist groups which espouse reactionary, fascist ideology and provoke social conflicts in the city. Particularly, following political decisions of Kharkiv City Council and using its protection, these groups deface the memorials to the victims of Holodomor (Famine) 1932—1933, Ukrainian warriors, religious figures and cultural workers. These groups humiliate and terrorize the statesmen of the Ukrainian community in the city. Furthermore, the unprecedented cases of racially and ethnically motivated crimes began to appear recently against the background of rising crime and hooliganism.

At the same time, the organizations guarding social order and interethnic peace are brutally oppressed by the Kharkiv City Council officials. The organizations are limited in their civil rights and are evicted from their premises. In this context, a typical example is a resonance process of eviction of a Cultural Center of Kharkiv City Society “Spadshchyna” (“Heritage”) from its premises at 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine, vul. Sumska 44/2. A well-known public organization, that has made a significant impact on formation of the Ukrainian statehood and at present is the last active and politically neutral public center in Kharkiv, is being intentionally deprived of its premises by Kharkiv City Executive Committee officers. The active position of the organizations which are consolidated in “Spadshchyna” by the matter of meeting cultural and social needs of Ukrainian speaking citizens, high authority and significant achievements of “Spadshchyna” in implementation of socially useful Ukrainian programs in the region became the reasons for arbitrary and illegal acts of chauvinistic Kharkiv City Council officials. On the one side, the deprivation of Kharkiv City Society “Spadshchyna” premises leads to the curtailment of socially important projects that are carried out by the Cultural Center of the Society and play an important role in the development of the civil society and interethnic order in Kharkiv oblast. Particularly, the only non-governmental Ukrainian language courses, the School of Journalism, local history, catechism, musical classes, development classes for children, a public library that have been successfully functioning over the past years, on basis of interethnic and social tolerance principles, help many Kharkiv citizens, the youth in particular, to fulfil themselves in socially useful activities. On the other side, the ruining of the cultural space, which has been developed over the last 20 years by the democratic organizations that affiliate to “Spadshchyna” and play a peculiar amortization role in the society of the region, is sure to result in social disequilibrium in Kharkiv region. Undoubtedly, this may become grounds for radicalization of public mood in Kharkiv and give additional reasons to the local destructive elements for starting multilevel provocations, and as a result may lead to social life destabilization and provoke rapid and uncontrolled increase of social and interethnic tension.

The problem of the illegal eviction of the Cultural Center of Kharkiv City Society “Spadshchyna” demonstrates illegal and discrimination activities of the City Executive Committee officials towards the Ukrainian community in Kharkiv, and therefore goes beyond the matters of local dimensions and becomes a common cause for all the world progressive forces, that are interested in observance of the international obligations, given by the current Ukrainian government, to build jural and humanistic society in the country.

Considering the aforementioned, in order not to prevent the increase of the social tension and interethnic conflict in Kharkiv region, we ask you, using your international reputation, to help the Ukrainian community to defend social balance in Kharkiv and not to allow the illegal eviction of the Cultural Center of Kharkiv City Society “Spadshchyna” that is located at 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine, vul. Sumska 44/2. Your help will become a significant contribution in setting of the public peace and victory of democratic values in Ukraine.


Head of Kharkiv City Society “Spadshchyna” V.P. Diachenko

Head of Kharkiv Ukrainian Youth Association
regional organization K.P. Cheremskyi

Head of the administration of the Hnat
Khotkevych Fund of National and Cultural
initiatives A.A. Pererva

Head of Kharkiv youth patriotic organization
“Sokil” O.O. Vyshniakov

Head of the Association of historical space
defendance I.P. Sokorchuk

Director of the enterprise of citizens’
association “Ukrayinskyi Prostir” R.P. Cheremskyi

Representative of Kharkiv Kobzar Workshop S.V. Bielov

Representative of the Hnat Khotkevych public
library O.V. Saltivska

March 30, 2010

Contacts Information

+380 57 751 17 68;
+380 57 762 34 53 – Kharkiv City Society “Spadshchyna” telephone numbers

[email protected] — Kharkiv City Society “Spadshchyna email

vul. Sumska 44/2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002



Дата публікації: 11-06-2010 13:17 | Кількість переглядів  переглядів

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  • DEMO

    В качестве ответного шага на действия прокуратуры, предлагаю написать второе письмо, только теперь к Президенту России и в Европарламент.

    Непременно нужно написать в ответ!

    P.S. Можно упомянуть и о факте физического избиения народа со стороны органов власти при молчаливом потакательстве правоохранительных органов (имею ввиду избиение защитников парка Горького).


  • http://politicon1.at.ua/ DEMO

    Улыбнуло то, как они спрашивают в какой способ Обама будет упреждать чего-то там. Так пусть сами к нему обратятся и спросят об этом. Юмористы.

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